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South Coast Cinemaniacs founder and classic film blogger Beth Ann Gallagher

In partnership with the Millicent Library, Beth Ann Gallagher founded classic film club South Coast Cinemaniacs in 2023. After becoming a later-in-life Mom during the Pandemic, she returned to her hometown Fairhaven. While away, she served as a president of another classic film club, Sac Town Classic Movie Club. Inspired by that experience, she started South Coast Cinemaniacs. Through curated screenings, she preserves the classic filmgoing experience. Often attendees are seeing films for the first time, so she provides researched introductions. The club helps local classic film lovers connect with each other while discussing movies. She views all as contributing to her town’s cultural scene. In 2024, the Fairhaven Cultural Council recognized her efforts by awarding the club two grants, South Coast Cinemaniacs presents Within Our Gates and South Coast Cinemaniacs presents Queens of Destruction.

Beth Ann Gallagher is a writer, film historian, and classic movie blogger and podcaster. She began publishing her blog Spellbound with Beth Ann in 2008. In 2024, she expanded it into an audio and a visual podcast. The Classic Movie Blog Association inducted her as a member in 2013. Inspired by her Portuguese heritage, Beth Ann co-founded the Luso World Cinema Blogathon with Brazilian film writer Letícia Magalhães in 2019. The blogathon highlights the contributions of Lusophones and their descendants to world film. It also allows writers to cast a critical eye on their portrayals. Her writing has appeared in a wide range of publications such as the Toronto Silent Film Festival‘s programs, Turner Classic Movies‘ Backlot site, Discover Rio Vista Magazine, FlickerAlley.Com, and Indicator Series’ Columbia Noir #4 boxed set.